BOND day

Monday, January 20, 2013

What a lovely visit we had with Heather yesterday. We were up quite late and I was surprised when it was after eight when we woke up. Heather had to be back at her work by ten, and I had BOND. We were just ready to go out the door when Heather realized she didn’t have her glasses. We did a quick search but didn’t find them. We did a more thorough search and still didn’t find them. We went over everything once more before Heather found them. They had slipped between the bed and the wall. I didn’t want to admit that had she not found them they might have stayed missing for months. I seldom pull the spare bed away from the wall either when I make it, or when I clean.

I made a Greek Salad for lunch. The folks who like Greek salad really liked it, but I was scrambling to find something for the ones who didn’t want it. As I chopped the onions and green peppers I thought about the people who might not eat it, and when I added the olives I eliminated another set of ladies. The olives were whole and were easy to pick out though. I had a lot left after lunch, but all the packages disappeared.

It was an easy meal to prepare but I feel really tired tonight. One of the coordinators was off sick so there was a bit of extra work in setting up and taking down. I’ll be happy to sit and knit tonight, but I’ll need to take some time to figure out what to take to sewing tomorrow.