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Thursday, January 16, 2014

I was out the door by ten this morning. I had my regular Red Cross shift. The volunteers called the house several times when I was gone so I expected a long day. I also had a bit of shopping to do and a birthday gift to get in the mail.

My first stop was Staples. I had a lot of catching up to do on my quilting project sheets, and since I no longer have a colour printer I do my printing at Staples. At Christmas we received a really neat set of USB water speakers for the computer. I have them attached to my machine upstairs but I’m always having to unplug them to download photos from my camera. I bought a USB hub that should fix the issue. This is the first piece of computer gear I’ve bought in a long time. I knew exactly what I wanted so when the clerk was showing me some options I was able to sound knowledgeable. That was mainly due to the conversation Pat and I had before I left though.

The ceiling light in the bedroom burned out, as well as one of the lights in the stairwell. We had just replaced some trilights and, since they were on sale, we had quite a collection of them. We didn’t have any regular bulbs though. I was still able to get the “old” type. I did consider purchasing the newer ones but there was a five dollar difference in price so I went with the cheaper ones. I’m not convinced the new lights last five years as advertised.

It was a long shift at the Red Cross today. There wasn’t as much equipment for renumbering as I expected, but there were a lot of computer “issues” to sort out. At one point there were four of us in there and that was about two too many for my liking. I overheard the convener say that she is turning 81 – that explains a lot!

I’m off to the Guild tonight. The demo is all about scraps. I had started cutting my fabric scraps in squares of various sizes but I didn’t really have a plan for them. I think we will get some patterns tonight so my cutting can be more targeted towards something I might make.