Long day at the bee

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I almost decided not to go to the bee today, but I knew if I stayed at home I’d be answering the call to do some cleaning and no sewing would get done. So off I went.

Usually I take too many projects to work on but the timing was perfect today. I wanted to play around a bit with a label using the crayon technique. I came up with something that I think will work, although I’ll probably make adjustments as time goes on. I finished quilting the project I worked on yesterday and got the binding cut and sewn in place. I’ll take the hand stitching to do at Christy’s.

CenterI threw in my Lego Community Quilt at the last minute thinking I might have time to square up a few of the blocks. Not only did I get all the blocks squared, I got them all sewn together so the centre of the piece is done. My plan is to have a 1″ border in one colour all around the centre, then a zinger border of multiple fabrics, a wider border the same colour as the inner border. I’ll probably bind it with the same border fabric, although I have thought of using the different bits of binding I’ve had left from other projects.

I didn’t get all this done in our usual length of time. It looked like most people were packing up around two, but Annie (who is more or less in charge of the hall) arrived about that time so a few of us stayed on a bit longer knowing that she could lock the doors and set the alarms. It was nice to quit when I was at a good stopping spot as opposed to having to quit when everyone else does.

I spent all last evening trying to get the stitches cast on for Pat’s socks. I had no luck so I’ll be at it again tonight. Just in case that project doesn’t work for travelling with, I brought home another Community Quilt that needs the binding hand stitched.