Just passing through

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Today was one of those days where I was in and out all day.

I was at the clinic at 8:20 this morning, waiting in front of the door so I could get in as soon as they opened. I was first in the door, but their walk-in appointments didn’t start until ten. I got my name in the appointment book for their first opening.

I had some shopping to do for the Guild potluck tonight. I had a couple of different recipes I wanted to try, but during my quick stop at Quality Foods I couldn’t find what I needed. I picked up some mandarin oranges because they were my fall back in case my “new” recipes didn’t turn out. I stopped at Safeway next, but they didn’t have what I needed either.

I came home for a few minutes and then headed back to the clinic for my appointment. My plan was to go directly from the clinic to the Red Cross, but it was a quick appointment and it was too early so I stopped at Save-On Foods and WalMart looking for my ingredients. Is it really that difficult to find a gingerbread cake mix or a single-layer yellow cake mix? I picked up some store-made Christmas cake to go along with my oranges for the party.

Then I was off to the Red Cross. It was a busy day for returns – I guess everyone is making room for Christmas. I had an elderly woman come in to make donations to the rail disaster in Quebec and for the typhoon relief in the Philippines – $1000 for each! Such generosity makes you realize how many good folks there are out there.

I came home from my shift and started gathering together everything I needed for the party – buttons, fabric strips, present, camera, cheque book to pay for the hall. When I opened the box of oranges to put them in a fancy bowl I realized they were all soft and many were moldy. I know, I should have checked them at the store. So back in my car I went to return the box. There were no questions asked and the produce manager gave me two boxes for my inconvenience.

I’m all cleaned up and ready for the party. Carola will arrive in a few minutes and we will be off.