Is this the end?

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

It was gray and rainy when I left the house for today’s sewing bee. I wore long pants for the first time in quite awhile. I had my rain jacket on to keep me dry, and I even threw a sweater into my bag in case the Seniors’ Centre was cold. We usually have the doors wide open but today they were closed up tight. We gained a few of our winter quilters back. No golf or tennis today so they came to sew!

We had such a nice July and August that I’m worried perhaps our fall won’t be good. We’ll have to take what we get, but I’m not quite ready for summer to be over.

After the bee I stopped in at the Red Cross office. There was lots to do and it took me over an hour. It feels like I’m working a lot of hours and indeed I am – I’m up to 27 hours already this month. No wonder I’m not meeting some of my other goals.