Fun and functional

Saturday, August 24, 2013

I haven’t been feeling great the past few days and I surprised myself this morning by sleeping until nearly nine. Many days when I would like to sleep in there is something planned so I have to get up. And many days when I could sleep in, I’ve been awake at my normal half-past six. I must be ill because I didn’t even feel like the day was wasted by sleeping late!

I finished off my three applique projects before lunch. They still need to have some hand stitching finished but that can be done in the evenings. I’ve had several evenings where I could have been doing some hand stitching but I just haven’t been able to force myself into it. Is it the projects I have to do, or am I just lazy? A little of each I suspect. Since these pieces are a bit time-sensitive I hope I’ll get them done quickly.

After lunch I tackled a project that I’ve been putting off since early July. When I was at Christy’s we picked out fabric for curtains for Taylor’s room. Curtains should be easy, but I always have the feeling I’m measuring something wrong. I’m pretty sure I have it right this time, but before I finish them up I’ll pull the curtains off the windows in my studio and check to see that they fit together properly.

With these bits finished (or mostly finished), I’ll be back to quilting tomorrow.