August 14, 2013
I had a few errands to run before I headed to the hospital for the today’s computer training session. I stopped at the bank to start the procedure for changing the Guild signing authorities. I thought I could at least get mine done but apparently they have to draw up new agreements and it will take a few days. What happened to those little signature cards?
From there I dropped some stuff at the Economy Shop. When I’m there I always have a quick look around and came home with a bed sheet that I think I can use to line the curtains I’m going to make for Taylor’s room. I had some time before I was due at my next stop so I wandered through our newest Thrift Store run by the MCC. The prices seemed higher than our Auxiliary shop, but they certainly have more stuff.
Next stop was the Seventh Day Adventist Church to pick up my workbook for the Food Safe course I am taking next week. I hope to have a chance to go through it before the class as I need to score at least 70% to pass. It would be embarrassing to fail!
Finally I was off to the hospital for the afternoon. We had four ladies show up, as well as the convener and myself. It was slow going but all except one caught on and, I think, will begin using the system. It was one-on-one training so there was a lot of milling around and people tripping over people.
Sheila and another of the more enthusiastic ladies wanted to “help” me with the inventory items. I finally had to just ask them to stop so the process could go through all the required steps. I caught them trying to fit one cane handle onto another cane foot and reminded them that the inventory included the manufacturers and you couldn’t just swap things around.
A quick glance around the room showed me that people were putting old inventory items back on the shelves so there were a few things I had to pull down and get new numbers for. Because there were so many of us around we had to keep the doors open so even after our 2:00 PM closing time clients kept stopping by and volunteers kept serving them. Then they would hand me the card “to finish up”. And since most of the ladies have lived here for a long time they were quite glad to give the history for everyone who came in; that of course was after they caught up on all the health news from the client. They are all (mostly) lovely ladies, but I’m glad I work alone most days!
I managed to get a bit of cutting done for the backs on some of my projects this morning. Once that was done I was able to put away some piles of material I had scattered around. I got my studio cleaned up and vacuumed this morning before I left so I just have packing left to do tonight.
I’ll be back after the weekend.