Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Today is Tuesday, and that means Bee Day! I had made plans with the outgoing Guild Treasurer to meet me and show me the ropes for my latest volunteer position. After having a walk through of how things work, I agree that it looks (on paper anyway) as if it will be less time-consuming than the Membership Committee. I took lots of notes and Helen has lots of templates for me to follow.
I didn’t know how much time I would have for stitching so I took some hand work and some cutting with me. Barb (one of my quilting heroes) taught me how to sew buttons onto a piece without having the knots show through on the back. I don’t know why I couldn’t figure that out for myself, but now I know! I managed to get some binding stitched down on a project but that was as far as I got. It was nice not to haul my sewing machine out today but I’d have to move a lot faster on my actual quilting for that to work every week.
I took my baby blanket with me to cut out, thinking that the grandchildren in the crowd would be far enough along with theirs that I wouldn’t be compared to them. We had an extra granddaughter in attendance today. And what was she doing? She was making the same pattern as I stitched over the weekend. I really can’t get ahead of these kids!
I stopped at the Red Cross on my way home. I got numbers for a few of my returns, but it seems to be taking a day for the turn-around. I sent my new equipment request in as soon as I arrived and an hour plus later I telephoned to see if I would get any new numbers back. She said she was too busy to get them to me until tomorrow. There is nothing I can do except stack the equipment up and hope we don’t run completely out of room. I expect I’ll hear some comments tomorrow at our training session about how there isn’t room to turn around in our washing-up area.
I’m hoping to get at some cleaning up in my studio tonight; I’d like to finish the binding on my project and then maybe sew on some buttons. I’d also like to win the lottery in case anyone is paying attention!