Good catch

Friday, June 14, 2013

I spent the early part of the morning finishing up those overdue birthday cards. When they were done I suggested to Pat that we go out for coffee (after stopping at the Post Office). I was ready to go out the door when I realized I hadn’t taken any photos. I opened the envelopes, took my photos, and then taped the envelopes closed. So, if you are the recipient of one of those cards, they weren’t tampered with in the mail, they were tampered with before they got to the mail. I need to put a huge sticker somewhere so I will remember the photos next time.

Our coffee stop led to some grocery shopping; we needed milk but came home with a bag full of other things. The good news is that we did remember the milk! After shopping for groceries we headed to Canadian Tire to look at some mowers that were on sale.

When we lived in Port Coquitlam it didn’t matter what day of the week or what time of day I decided to relax on the deck one of our neighbours would start mowing their lawn. Those noisy machines drove me crazy. When we moved here and had a small amount of grass I persuaded Pat (by saying I would cut the grass) to buy a push mower. If we had a perfect lawn (without any weeds) it would probably still be fine. But our grass is a combination of good lawn grass and weeds, and more and more the mower was leaving long strings of some unknown grass that had to be cut down with the weed whacker. The push mower didn’t work on the boulevard and, although we don’t mow it as often as the lawn, it all had to be done with the weed whacker.

Pat has been investigating a battery-powered mower and we bought one today. It took very little effort to put it together, and Pat had half the yard done before I even knew he was mowing. It wasn’t the sound of the mower that alerted me to what he was doing, it was the smell of cut grass. I tried it out as well; it is very light to push, has a bag or a mulch attachment, and meets my need for quiet!

I got the top done on a couple more cards this afternoon. You are probably thinking I’m getting ahead on my goals, but I know that tomorrow my calendar will post a reminder for all the cards I need to do for July. I’ve decided on a project for the Tuesday bee and I made a few adjustments to my One Block Wonder layout. It is time that project got off the design wall and onto a table somewhere.