
Thursday, March 21, 2013

It was a lovely day and I was glad that I “had” to walk to my shift at the hospital. I stopped at the Post Office on my way and got a parcel into the mail. On the way home I realize that I’m a little like the cows – once I’m headed for home I don’t want to veer off my path.

Monday was a BOND day and I intended to stop at the Economy Shop on my way home to see if I could find some big serving bowls. I don’t like serving from the cooking pots, but we are very limited to the size of bowls available in the kitchen. Even if I found some I’m not sure where we would store them, but that would be a problem for another day. I also wanted to stop at Walt-Mart to pick up supplies for making my own laundry detergent. However, once I was in the car and on the way home I decided I could do all that running around on Tuesday after the bee.

For Tuesday after the bee my list included the stops at the Economy Shop and Wal-Mart and an added stop at Staples. Once I finished at the Economy Shop I decided the other two stops could be put off for another day and I headed home.

On Wednesday I thought I would make a trip out to the bottle recyclers but since I didn’t “really” have to go out I didn’t. So now my stops include Wal-Mart, Staples and the bottle depot.

Today, even though I was walking, on my way home I thought I could stop at the dollar store to pick up some wrapping paper and tape. I also wanted to stop at the bank and I thought I might even be able to manage my trip to Wal-Mart. So what did I do as soon as I left the hospital? I decided I had enough money for the movie tonight so I didn’t need to stop at the bank; I’m not really going to be ready to mail the next set of parcels until after the weekend so I didn’t need to stop at the dollar store; I’m not completely out of laundry detergent and laundry day isn’t until next week so no need to stop anywhere!

I need to get better at making my stops on the way to where I’m going rather than on my way home!