Happy Valentine’s Day

Thursday, February 14, 2013

I spent the bit of time I had in my studio this morning to cut out 10” squares for my class on Saturday. I don’t know what I was thinking when I signed up for a class so close to the quilt show. I guess I either thought I would be better prepared, or I didn’t realize how much work “getting ready for the quilt show” takes.

My Red Cross shift was pretty quiet – a few returns and an exchange. Just as I was ready to leave, the fire alarm went off. I don’t know if it was a test or the real thing, but the fire doors were all closed so I wasn’t able to leave.

Since my studio had fabric from one end to the other from my prep work for my class I decided I may as well get my fabric ready for the next sewing bee. It will be a Project Tuesday so there were lots of little bits to collect! In the bit of time I have left before dinner I think I’ll dig out my Guild Challenge pattern and see if I can get that cut out.

To celebrate the day we are going out for dinner and to a movie!