
Friday, January 11, 2013

Thank you for your kind words today regarding Margaret’s passing. I’ve spent so much of the day thinking about different stories and adventures she had throughout her life. I’m going to go back through my Journal entries and compile a few of them just for my own interest.

Pat has been teaching the past two days – the early, early shift again. I didn’t get up with him yesterday, but I managed to drag myself out of bed at 4:30 this morning. I’m really feeling the approaching deadline on these two quilting projects and those two extra hours moved me along. Still not breathing a sigh of relief, but I feel confident I’ll be okay.

It was an unusually cold -6 this morning and we spent most of the day piling on sweaters, drinking warm drinks and adjusting the thermostat. Once the sun came up the view across to the mountains was spectacular, and we had bright sunshine and blue skies all day. Snow is predicted for tonight – I hope they are wrong – but less than 1 cm so we’re not likely to need the shovel!