Politics – it’s everywhere

Monday, October 22, 2012

I had another BOND day today. I’ll be missing a month of Monday’s while I’m away so I volunteered to do a few weeks back to back. Today was an exceptionally easy day – bagels and cream cheese. The shopping took very little time, and I was at the hospital ready to chop my veggies and prep my fruit long before my usual 11 AM appearance.

When I got to the kitchen there was a note on the oven saying that it had been reserved for use between 11:15 and 12:15. Not a problem since I didn’t need the oven at all. About 11:15 a woman came into the kitchen, turned on the oven and asked if I minded sticking her pot luck entree in the oven when it was at the right temperature. I agreed and she went on her way.

When Connie, one of the BOND staff, got to the kitchen and saw the note she was quite annoyed. Just then the woman reappeared to check on her dish. She went on the attack with Connie and said that we couldn’t consider the kitchen a BOND kitchen, we had to share the limited resources, and we had to work together.

I was quite taken aback because I thought I had been quite pleasant when I told her using the oven wasn’t a problem today, but it might have been had we been making something different. When she left I assured Connie that I hadn’t said or done anything that I thought would offend. Connie laughed and told me she and this woman had a “history”.

When I discovered that one of our good knives was missing I thought it probably had gone along to the pot luck with this woman. I should have known better, but I mentioned to Connie that I would have to be sure I got it back before we locked our supplies up for the day. Connie was beside herself over that knife!

In the end, I got the knife back without any problems. While Connie was running the program for the ladies, the woman came back in and told me she and Connie had a “history”. So I guess none of this was about me! At the end of the day Connie asked me if I thought she should report this woman to someone, but I said I didn’t think it was necessary. Connie was going to document it with her daily notes though in case it happens again.

I stopped in to see Margaret after my shift. She seemed a little down today and I don’t think she is enjoying her stay in Maternity. There are very few people around and she doesn’t have a chance to chat with anyone. She is up and down and walking, but the hallway she is in is very short. I know she doesn’t want to go back to her suite, but I think she is bored with hospital life. Hopefully that space in assisted living will open soon.

This evening I’ll get my gear packed up for the bee tomorrow and at least get a start on those applique blocks.