Thursday, September 27, 2012
I’m glad today was our last early morning for the week. I know I don’t have to get up but I get so much done in that first two hours, and I still have the rest of the day for all my regular stuff.
And my regular stuff had me out shopping at nine! Our House Concert is tomorrow and I needed to get some curtains for one of the bedrooms. I was going to get some paper plates and cups but decided to go to the Economy Shop to get whatever “real” ones I could find. I hit the jackpot and came home with a box of small plates and coffee mugs.
I was home long enough to get an update on Margaret. She got though the heart attack and the procedure they needed to do to clear the block in her stent. I spoke with her niece, who lives in Edmonton, and she is doing some phone work to ensure Margaret’s post-discharge is handled better this time. It appears there was a mix-up in the medications Margaret was supposed to be taking and no one, except Margaret, picked up on it. When we had coffee yesterday she showed me a paper that mentioned a medication she needed to take for a month. She didn’t come home from the hospital with it and her doctor here didn’t prescribe it for her. She also said her paperwork said she needed a higher dosage of another drug than the doctor prescribed.
I had a Red Cross shift this afternoon. It was a busy day, but not with clients. The convener was in and had things topsy-turvey at the desk. I’m not sure what she was doing, but she had client cards all over the place. Then the repair guy came in so she moved to the back of the room (where I need to do my cleaning) and got it all jammed up. Luckily the few clients I had were able to work around the mess. Oh how I missed Margaret!
We didn’t make it to our art film last night so we saw it tonight. Often we have one or more things happening on a Thursday evening but it worked out well for this week.
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