Lie in

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Does it sound better to say, as the English do, that I had a lie in this morning rather than saying I heard the alarm and ignored it? Pat was already up when the radio came on so there was really no need for me to get up too. When I did make it out of bed I spent most of the morning working on the photo book.

After lunch I picked Margaret up. She had a couple of errands to take care of and then we went to McDonald’s for coffee. She was her usual chatty self – I never would have imagined she had a heart attack just ten days ago. We were close to home when she told me she wasn’t well and she wanted me to take her to the hospital. We both knew she was having another heart attack. I drove as fast as I could and got help to get her into the ER. They whisked her away and I sat in the waiting room.

I checked on her after an hour and told her I would be waiting outside if she needed anything. I was just about to go back to the waiting room when the doctor stopped me and told me that the heart attack was very serious (and ongoing) and that she needed to be transported back to Vancouver as soon as possible. I sat with her until about 6:30 and she gave me a few phone numbers so I could call some folks. I rushed home and made as many calls as I could and then I went back up to the hospital. The helicopter came about 7:30 and she was on her way.

There are serious concerns that she may not survive the attack and, if she survives, what the damage to her heart might be. They are quite certain that one of the stents that was put in place is blocked – something that rarely happens.

Margaret was in good spirits when she left and seemed confident she’d be flying back home in a few days. I have my fingers crossed that she is right.