An early night

I don’t know if it is all the late nights we’ve spent watching the Olympics, or if it is because I’ve spent more time in front of the TV this week than I have for the last three months, but I feel like I need an early night.

I had a new quilting book delivered today thanks to a gift card Christy gave me for Mother’s Day. I took a quick look through it and there are a couple of projects I think I’d like to try (they’ll have to take a number on a very long and ever-growing list though). It mainly talks about how to deal with your scraps so it will be a good reference book.

I spent most of the morning cleaning and doing laundry. Nothing fun in that and I’m too tired to make it sound more exciting than it was! I had a doctor’s appointment today to see about my aching elbow. My hands hurt when I crochet; my wrists hurt when I knit and cross stitch; my hip hurts occasionally for no apparent reason; and lately my elbow has been so sore at times I can barely lift my coffee cup. I’ll go for x-rays, but the doctor thinks it is probably “tennis elbow” (see, I have been watching too much of the Olympics)! In the meantime I’m to take ibuprofen for the pain. She also suggested I not mow the grass, edge the beds and vacuum all on the same day!