Moving day

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Pat and I went out for breakfast this morning and started chatting about painting the inside of the house before we start our House Concerts in the fall. One topic led to another and we wondered how we would fit up to 30 people on the main floor for said House Concerts. We knew we needed to move the treadmill out and we thought of some possibilities for it.

When we got home we did some measuring and we still have a couple of options for the treadmill that will work. While we were in the mood for making changes, we rearranged the living room. Although fitting people in will still be tight, once the treadmill is moved and the desk is relocated we will only have to move around the rest of the furniture to add in the additional chairs we will need (if we can find some chairs). Sounds simple!

When we moved the furniture downstairs I scored a small cabinet for upstairs. I had some videos that were just sitting on the floor of the kids’ room so I stuck them and some puzzles inside the cabinet. Then we decided to move my stereo into the kids’ room (on top of the cabinet) and that left extra space on top of my filing cabinets (in my studio) so now I can shuffle a few more things.

I cut the backing and batting for my Butterfly quilt this afternoon and it is already in my bag for the bee on Tuesday. We wandered down to Willingdon Beach for lunch and to hear our friend Trent Olver ( play a one-hour set as part of Sea Fair. He has just released his first CD and when we opened our copy we noticed that he had put a thank you to Pat inside the cover.

Once I was home I couldn’t seem to settle into anything. I put all the pieces of the Advent calendar back on my design wall but I need to do some more work with the placement before I can sew anything. I tackled some knitting, and then I thought of a new craft I wanted to do for one of my Pay It Forward challenges. When I got stuck on how to do it I headed for my iPad and found a couple of videos that put me on the right track.

While I was on my iPad I thought I should look into my fall travel plans. I got my seats booked and I am headed to Saskatoon at the end of October, with a stop in Calgary on the way home.