
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

I was a little disappointed that I didn’t have the best sleep of my life with my new CPAP machine. After a few hours of sleep I got up and made some adjustments to the mask and was more comfortable for the rest of the night. I was still awake every two or three hours though, which has been my norm for awhile now. I hope that as I get more used to the mask and machine I’ll sleep better. I’m switching to a smaller pillow tonight; that might help keep the mask in place when I switch from side to side.

Despite a less than spectacular sleep I was off to the Guild bee this morning. After the Business Meeting last week I brought home a small kit and instructions on how to make the luggage tag that we’ll be using for our Hands Across the Water event. These tags are fancier than the ones I made last year for my Twelve Days packages. I wasn’t able to figure out what I was supposed to do so I took everything back to the Guild today and got some one-to-one instruction. Turns out my kit was missing a piece so that’s why I struggled with it at home.

I managed four tags before noon. It was really busy and noisy at the Guild and I was more than ready to come home after lunch.

I think it will be an early night for me, unless I find something really good to watch on TV.