A rough patch

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

After the change in medications for my last treatment I had three good days leading up to Christmas. On Boxing Day I came off those meds and I fell fast. Kathryn warned me that might happen.

I was very low energy on the 26th, although we managed a short walk and some time at the beach. It isn’t often that we get an onshore breeze and after our short walk on the “Mighty Machine Trail” we parked ourselves at a picnic table and enjoyed listening to the waves lapping on shore. I certainly appreciated all the benches along the stretch of the trail that we walked where I could stop and rest.

Yesterday wasn’t a good day at all and I spent most of it in bed; for whatever reason laying in bed felt better than even sitting in the chair. I started to ache later in the day but I don’t know if it was because I had been in bed for so long, if it was the weight of my new weighted blanket being too heavy (but I love it) or if it was a reaction to the injections I started taking again on Christmas Day.

Getting out to the lab for bloodwork this morning was a challenge but after getting up and then going back to bed we finally made it to the hospital. I don’t know how to read the reports so I don’t know if I’m doing better or worse than I was last week. I guess the doctor will call if anything has to change.

I’ve had a couple of naps today; I’m feeling better than I was yesterday but I’m hopeful I’ll have even better days ahead.