Foucault’s Pendulum

Author: Umberto Eco

I read another book by this author and really like it but I sure didn’t like this one. In fact, I think I liked it less than Moby Dick.

Here’s what Goodreads had to say about the book:

Three clever editors (who have spent altogether too much time reviewing crackpot manuscripts on the occult by fanatics and dilettantes) decide to have a little fun. They are inspired by an extraordinary fable they heard years before from a suspiciously natty colonel, who claimed to know of a mystic source of power greater than atomic energy.

On a lark, the editors begin randomly feeding esoteric bits of knowledge into an incredible computer capable of inventing connections between all their entries. What they believe they are creating is a long, lazy game – until the game starts taking over…

Can you see how I might have been fooled?

Goodreads Rating: *