Friday, July 15, 2022
Yesterday morning, while we were having coffee on the deck, I thought it looked like there was some rain headed our way. I wanted to get the grass cut before that happened so headed out quite early. The rain hadn’t started by the time I finished so I stayed outside and did some weeding; I got one side of the patio cleared off. While we were looking for something in the shed I found some weed killer so we’ve put that on some of the cracks on both sides of the patio; we’ll see if it works better than the ammonia or the vinegar. Mind you all of the treatments need a few days of hot sunny weather and we’re not getting those.
Sewing in the afternoon was good. I finished the last of the 80 blocks I need for my Modern Puzzle quilt. As it turns out I don’t think I’ll use all of the blocks in one quilt, so maybe I have two quilts almost done. Gail and I both want to do two quilts the same – Tumbling Blocks and Labyrinth Walk – so we’ll start on one of those on our next sewing day.
We woke up to rain (again) this morning and it has been showering off and on all day; it’s windy too. I have all the beds made and the laundry done; I probably will do some cleaning tomorrow as well as get in some groceries.
I had one project I needed to get finished and that is now complete. Nothing to do now but wait.