A month of Sundays

Sunday, January 30, 2022

I was very determined to get to the bottom of the pile of paper on my desktop today. I had a file folder full it things I wanted to get into the mail to various family members and once that was done my pile was less inclined to topple over. I always have one or two items on the desktop for the Hall, a few items for myself and, occasionally, something for the Guild.

I cleared my way through seven stackable filing trays and narrowed them down to just five. Three of them are for use for the Hall, the Guild and myself. I have another tray that is going to require further sorting – I’ll do it in half-hour bits as the task comes up each week. I have another tray that keeps my outgoing mail. Once a card is finished I wrap it up and get it ready for the mail but sometimes, not often, I’m finished early so I don’t want the package to go out yet. If I’m diligent there should never again be a stack of paper on my desk.

The rest of the day I’ve been going through the bin of Mum’s fabrics. When Stacia, Deloise and I get together to sew we are all going to work on projects using Mum’s stash. I have a pattern picked out for my project but it involves a lot of cutting. Just from this afternoon’s work my elbow, wrist and fingers are sore and I’ve hardly made a dent in the bin.

I started cutting fabric specifically for the blocks I need for my project but then decided I’d be left with more and smaller scraps. So I’m taking each piece of fabric (and believe me they are scraps after using the fabric for my Farmer’s Wife quilt) and cutting it into whatever shape I can use in the project and getting rid of the rest of the piece. There are five shapes – three of them require fairly large pieces – and two of them are relatively small shapes.

It will take me a month of Sundays to get through that fabric no matter how I slice it.