Back in Hardanger Hell

Sunday, December 5, 2021

I got a few cards made this morning and a package wrapped for the mail. I thought I might go out today but since everything I was going to do today could wait for tomorrow I decided to spend the afternoon stitching.

I’m back to one of my hardanger projects and although it is going better than the last one it still is giving me grief. I felt brave enough to try one of the fancy stitches but only had a couple done before I decided it wasn’t going to work and I ripped it out. My counting is off in a few places but I’m going to persevere in the hopes it can be done for the next package I ship out.

It makes me wonder why on earth I would copy a picture from the internet and think I could figure out a new crochet stitch – but I’m going to try just that this evening.

Snow is predicted for overnight but I’m hoping it will be like the last snowfall they predicted – nothing showed up.