
Monday, November 29, 2021

I haven’t had a very productive day but you probably won’t agree when I let you know everything that did get done.

I got my hair cut this morning and before my appointment I picked up the last few things on my Christmas list, plus a couple of things that hadn’t been added to my list but things I knew I wanted. After my appointment I picked up a gift to fill the last gap on my Christmas/Birthday list. I’m still waiting for a package from amazon; before the flooding our packages from them were often arriving a day early. I don’t have my cards finished so I can’t get packages ready for the mail yet; that was part of my frustration today.

I really wanted to get ahead on my cards but the one I’m doing now is not cooperating. It is like I can’t count anymore or read a pattern. I took a break from it and packaged up all my knitting/crocheting donations so they’ll be ready to deliver tomorrow.

Then I went back to my card and found a couple of mistakes I hadn’t noticed before. Once they were fixed I took another break and got a new project ready for the Guild tomorrow. I had a few other things on my list to take – a donation for the Christmas party, a book I had mentioned on the weekend that someone wanted to see, and a few copies of the updated membership list that I prepared this morning. I hadn’t unpacked from the weekend’s sewing so it all went back into the same bin I used on Sunday.

I’m going to go back to my card and it had better cooperate or I’ll give up on stitching cards and make some fabric ones.