Not a bad day’s work

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

I was up early and while I waited for my coffee to be done I added a few stitches to my October stitch along. Pat had an early appointment at the lab so I sat and stitched until he left.

When I went to the fridge for some cream for my coffee I noticed that the fridge light wasn’t on. I checked the freezer and there was no light there either. I sent a text to Pat and he suggested I check the breakers to see if one had blown; everything looked fine. I suggested to Pat that when he got home we could pull the fridge out and see if there was something in the coils that might be affecting the fridge; as it turns out there is nothing exposed on the back of the fridge. As Pat sat waiting to get into the lab he found someone who did appliance repairs, sent me the number and suggested I call right away to be sure to get on his list for the day.

I made the call but there was no way I was going to have anyone around when I pulled out the fridge (did I mention there would be dust bunnies if not rabbits?). I managed to get the fridge pulled out, got out the vacuum and a duster and then scrubbed the floor behind the fridge. I also got the garbage and recycling out to the curb and I had time to clean a bathroom. It was just after eight when the repair man showed up, replaced a fuse, and had the fridge working again.

Not a bad day’s work for only nine in the morning!