
Friday, August 6, 2021

I spent all morning working at my computer, mainly catching up on Cranberry Hall business. We actually had two meetings last week – one was our AGM and the other was a regular Board meeting. I had to-do lists from both meetings and some updates I needed to make to both the Facebook page and the website.

After lunch I headed out to return my library book but I also had a couple of items for the mail as well as a list of groceries we needed. The post office is less convenient now without the drive-through, especially on a day like today when it is raining off and on. I’m happy to have the outdoor book return at the library in operation again but it means parking the car and parking is at a premium anywhere close. And speaking of parking, the lot at Quality Foods was nearly full; I found a spot at the very far end of the lot. Of course that many cars was a clear signal that the store would be crowded. Maybe the crowds there today are typical but I’ve been shopping at seven in the morning when there might be one or two other people in the store.

I fully intended to work on something sewing-related when I got home but I just didn’t have the motivation. It’s a good thing I still had plenty of paper and computer work to do. It is a little early for me to quit for the day but I’ll either read or cross stitch before supper.