Old habits

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

It just doesn’t feel right if I don’t write a post. Old habits die hard.

While I was outside doing my yard work this morning the owners of the rental house next door came by and started bushwhacking their way through the yard next door. I rightly guessed that they were kicking out the tenants (I hear things when I’m upstairs with the window open) and they were cleaning things up in hopes of a new one.

I received a notice from the library this morning and my immediate thought was, “Oh no, not another book”. The notice advised me that I had a book that was due in a couple of days. After enjoying no limits on my library books for more than a year I’m in danger of having to pay a fine for the one I’m currently reading. I tried to renew it but someone else has it on hold so I couldn’t. I’ll try to spend a bit more time reading but I’m not even halfway through the book and there is no way I’m giving it back before I’m done.

I finished up a couple of cards this afternoon and I’ll get the binding stitched down before supper and get at some of that reading.