Catching up

Friday, July 30, 2021

I had several things that were almost complete so I started working on those this morning after I did some computer work and ran a couple of errands.

I fixed the mistake I made in my embroidery project. I’m not sure anyone would have picked it out but I knew it was there and so I had to go back and fix it. Fortunately I didn’t have to take out too many stitches.

From there I moved on to pressing and trimming the sixty blocks I made yesterday for one of my mystery quilts. Next clue will be out early next week and I didn’t want to fall behind. I wonder if we’ll get a day’s reprieve? The clues usually come out on Monday but that’s a holiday so maybe we’ll get an extra day, but I guess it would mean a shorter week for getting the clue finished.

I couldn’t avoid it any longer so after lunch I got back to my quilting. It seemed wrong to be putting on gloves when the temperature was 30 degrees but I managed. I have a ton of ends to tie in and bury. My next section needs a thread colour change so I’ll leave that until tomorrow. It still looks possible to get it done by the end of the weekend.

Before I tackle all those thread ends I’ll bring my laundry in off the line and, if I’m lucky, it will be supper time by then.