Back in the Hall

Monday, July 12, 2021

Yesterday’s Song Circle was an easy event for me to moderate. There were only seven participants and they were all performers. Once I started the recording I turned off the camera and the microphone and worked on my Cranberry Hall accounting. I still have to post the recording but I’ll get to that in a couple of days.

I spent most of the morning working on Hall stuff. I finalized some paperwork that I need to send to the government and then started making notes for the meeting tonight. We’re going to meet in-person at the Hall, a first since last summer before the third wave struck. We have some requests for bookings for August and we need to finalize and test our protocols before we open to the public. I had to re-write the Rental Agreement and it is ready now to present to the Board for feedback.

This morning just before a video chat started the second clue for one of my mystery quilts was released. I have that stack of quilting to do but after lunch I decided I’d work on the clue rather than start quilting. Clue two was quite quick to put together and I’m already done. I’ll get my quilting machine set up so that tomorrow, after I work in the yard, there will be no excuse to delay starting.