
Thursday, July 8, 2021

I didn’t sleep well last night so I decided not to go out and work in the yard today. I was still sore from yesterday’s work and my head was still aching from the allergies.

I should have got a lot more done with my day than I actually did. I had just a few stitches left to finish the latest clue in the stitch along so I got that done and crossed off the list. I had someone coming over with Hall mail so while I waited for him to arrive I did a bit of cleaning. And you know how that works; clean one drawer and there are several more wanting attention, clean one cupboard door and front all the rest need to be done.

I had some time to sort out the backing for the last quilt top on my list. Between shrinkage when I washed the fabric and adding the last border I would have had barely enough fabric for the back. I’ll go up the hill to the “old” quilt shop and get some wide backing for it and I won’t have to worry about piecing anything to get it to fit. It was disappointing not to get it all done today but it has languished in a bin for a long time and then even more time on the floor so I can wait another day. My pile for sandwiching is growing and it will take a day or two before I have them ready for quilting.

Clearing that last quilt top meant I was back down to my Laundry Basket quilt layer. I had Blocks 1-5 pinned out on a flannel tablecloth and Blocks 6 & 7 in a project bin. I managed to sort out the first five blocks, along with a picture of where they go in the quilt. I printed out the last remaining blocks (8-12) and I hope to get at least some of them cut out tonight. I’ll work at piecing them together next week. Once I have all the blocks done I’ll take them to Texada and put them on the design wall and get the top put together.

I had a late afternoon meeting with the Hall President to go over our Covid Phase 3 re-opening. She had the document well put together but we talked a lot about how we will go about implementing it. We both ended up with more work to do hopefully before Monday when we have our Board meeting.

It was a much cooler day today and, as I type this, I’m enjoying a cool breeze coming in my window.