Sunday, June 13, 2021
I almost have it figured out but I was surprised to get a posting last night from both the “old” system and the new system. The “old” system posted from two days ago and the new system only sent one of my two posts from yesterday. I think when I set the delivery system to “Latest Post” it literally sent only the last post of the day. I’ve corrected that by sending out my posts immediately so you’ll get them as soon as I finish writing them. Not exactly how I wanted to go but that seemed the easiest way around the system. I’ll have to be better at proof reading though as I would often publish something, see an error, and be able to go back and correct it before the post was sent out. And we all know you can’t rely on auto-correct!
There were more technical issues in the house today. I was searching for something on the internet and the search wouldn’t go through. I was in Safari so I switched to Chrome but still no luck. I disconnected and reconnected my Wi-Fi but still nothing. I restarted my computer but it still wouldn’t work. I checked with Pat and he had just noticed the same issue. Our phone was also out but fortunately Pat had the Telus support number on his cell phone so he was able to call; we were able to get everything reset relatively quickly so the Sunday Song Circle could go ahead.
I attached the binding to Paris Through the Window this morning but because I had to be the technician for the Zoom meeting I didn’t have a chance to get much of the hand stitching done. I’ll continue with that for the rest of the afternoon.
Okay, I’m hitting the button now so you should be hearing from me very soon!