I feel so stupid as after mentioning my Hall meeting in yesterday’s post I completely forgot about it. I woke up at six this morning realizing that I had missed it and sent my apologies to the Board. I’m particularly annoyed with myself as I had a motion prepared that I really wanted to present and have passed. I guess I’ll have to wait for the minutes to come out to see if anyone else read the motion in in my absence.
And I’m frustrated with my e-mail delivery system. It seems to send when it wants and I can’t find the glitch so I’m going to let it do its thing; some days you might not get anything and other days you might get a couple of days worth of posts.
We are off in a short while to get our second Covid vaccination. I don’t know why, but I feel nervous and I can’t seem to settle at anything. Hopefully once I have the shot I’ll be able to get something done.