My Own Little Corner

I had another day of card tops. At the beginning of the day I knew there were three tops that needed to be done and possibly a fourth one. One of our Guild members has a birthday the day after our next meeting and, if we were meeting in person, I wanted to give her a card.

Pat and I were gathered around the radio after lunch today to see what our new Public Health Orders would and wouldn’t allow us to do. Outdoor gatherings are still limited to ten people so there won’t be an in-person Guild meeting this month. It is possible that we will be able to have an outdoor wind-up party but we won’t know that for a few weeks.

From today’s announcement it looks like distance travel won’t really be recommended until the fall. We are still confined to our own regions for travel so no change there. Face masks are still mandatory; we can go into restaurants now but with the weather so nice we’d prefer to be eating on a deck rather than inside. I don’t think I’ll be comfortable taking any long trips until most of the population are fully vaccinated and air travel is fully opened again.

My Own Little Corner (from the Splendid Sampler 2 series)

So it would appear that we’ll be stuck in our own little corner for a few more weeks. Since I needed a picture for my post and it seemed like the perfect block title for these past several months I thought I’d go ahead and make it. My Guild friend will get an e-card.

My first test on my mail delivery system worked well for both Pat and I. I’ve tweaked a couple more things today and included a photo in this post to see how it comes across. If all is well I’ll move over fully to the new system; I don’t expect any issues but there may be some.