Sunday, May 23, 2021
If you happen to go to my website you will notice some changes. I’ve been wanting to do a make-over for quite awhile and I needed to change my mailing system; it seemed like a good time to make all the changes. I now have a search field; I mostly wanted that for my books so I could look up by author. I still have some work to do to categorize them but for the ones I have done it is working well. I don’t often search on other pages but I can now if I want to.
Pat helped me out with some of the design work so I took him out for lunch. Covid makes eating out tricky and on top of that it is Sunday where many of our favourite spots are closed. We settled on A & W; we sat on a bench at the beach to eat it.
I wanted to get two projects sandwiched today but only one got done – my Guild challenge. It won’t take long to quilt it.
The second project was a Christmas quilt. I washed the flannel backing and had it all nicely pressed. When I went to look for the quilt top I couldn’t find it anywhere. I went to my inventory spreadsheet and found out where it was supposed to be stored; not there but I found a bin with only one quilt top in it so I combined two bins into one. As I went through the bins looking for my top I updated my inventory listing and combined two more small bins into a larger bin. Still no Christmas quilt.
I was going through the pile of bins near my quilting machine but before I got too far in I spied my quilt top in one of my two-drawer bins. There were also a couple of table-toppers in the drawer so they went into one of the larger bins that held other quilt tops.
So I have two good-sized bins clear as well as a large drawer empty. That will allow me to start on a colour-coordination project for sorting scraps. It just never ends for me!
I knew I was going to have top piece the backing for the Christmas quilt. I had it out on the floor for measuring but when I put the quilt top over it I decided that I’d like to put a border on it. So no more sandwiching today.
The table have been put away for now. I guess I’ll see what kind of a mess I can make trying to organize my scraps into the empty bins.