It’s a start

Monday, May 3, 2021

Time is running out for me to get my mystery quilt finished before the Guild’s June wind-up. I thought I had a plan but when I started this morning I decided that my plan, although it would work, needed some revisions. I tried one section and was happy with the results so I did a second section. I now have the grid lines on two more sections finished; I think there will be two more sections before the top border is finished. There will still be some fill-ins to do but if I can get these sections done I’ll feel like it is a doable project in my time frame. Of course when the top border is done I will need to repeat it for the bottom border.

I was on our regular video chat this morning with the cousins and I’m tuned in now to the Covid-19 video update. Later this afternoon I’m joining a Zoom event called Yak Fest; the person hosting is a writing friend of Pat. She joined in on one of our Cranberry Hall events and took out a membership. When I wrote to thank her she invited me to attend her events. This will be my first one.

Following right after the Yak Fest I have a Zoom meeting for the Hall. The meetings are generally quite short and I see no reason for tonight to be any different.

We are hoping to finish another season of our marathon Resurrection: Ertugrul. We have five episodes left (out of 90) and there is still another season to go. Pat has explored some Turkish history so sometimes he has advanced notice of things that might happen, mainly who is going to be murdered or die by natural causes. So far everything seems to be historically accurate.

The Covid numbers are encouraging today.