Monday, March 15, 2021
I was working on cards AGAIN! I have all but one quilted but there are a lot of ends to tie in before they are finished. The last one needs some appliqué work so that means changing thread colours many many times. I also had a finished card that needed to get into the mail today.
When I went out to mail my card I picked up another book from the library. The pile on my bedside table is so high that if one more book comes in I’m going to have to start a second pile. I appear to be on a Second World War kick; even the book I picked up from a friend last week is from that era.
I worked out in the yard for a bit this afternoon. I picked up the top layer of leaves from my piles; I’ll do a bit each day as the top layer dries. I finished all the pots in the sitting area at the back; I notice that the lilac has some leaf buds coming out. I worked my way down the garden path (so to speak) and weeded out the current and blueberry bushes. One of the blueberries has leaf buds but I’m worried about the current; the branches seemed very dry (maybe dead). I also noticed that our mock orange has some blossoms on it; once it is all out the scent fills that back sitting area.
Pat looked out the front door when I came inside and said it looked really good. Imagine how he’ll say when I he sees what I actually worked on!