A Zoom kind of day

Sunday, March 14, 2021

I finished the last of my card tops this morning and have everything ready (batting and backings) to start quilting them tomorrow. After that it was almost a necessity to clean up my cutting table – I had such a mess I was working in about a one-foot square space. And once that was tidied (not necessarily cleared) I did the vacuuming.

This afternoon was the Cranberry Hall Song Circle; Pat and I are co-hosts for it. It was a good session but there is actually work for me to do. I record the sessions and today I figured out how to spotlight each of the performers. I managed to get a pitch in for membership but I haven’t yet seen anyone take me up on the offer.

Later this afternoon we are going to watch one of Taylor’s competitions via Zoom. I think we’ll be able to get her on the big screen and I’m so looking forward to seeing her perform.