Saturday, March 13, 2021
Up until right now I have thoroughly enjoyed my day. It’s been another day of cards and I have all but one completed – they were all fun and went together well.
The first card was an Sunbonnet Sue appliqué; I love Sunbonnet Sue so this was a fun one to start the day with. Next up was a hexi; because I already had some hexie’s prepared I changed up the pattern just a bit so I could use what I had. Then came a card with templates but on the first try I managed to get all of the pieces going in the right direction (I usually struggle with this when one piece has to be the reverse of another).
My last card was paper-pieced, something I don’t usually have a problem with. I was sure I had enough of the background fabric to make the card but on the last two sections I ran out. I added a different one in but it is so obvious that I’m not going to be able to use it and I think that means I need to pretty much start all over on some of the pieces. And to add to the problems, I had two sections done, pressed and trimmed but when I went to sew them together one of the pieces has completely disappeared. I’ve looked on the floor, under everything but I’ve had no luck so I may have to do that piece over as well.
I made it out to the yard today. I raked up a few leaves but they are pretty wet underneath; I’ve put them in piles but they need to dry out a bit before I bag them. I cleaned out a few pots at the back before stopping for the day; hopefully a short day in the yard will mean less aching tonight.
Now back to my search.