No pressure

Thursday, April 5, 2012

I spent most of the morning in my studio, but I wasn’t doing anything fun. I was trying to fill my Red Cross shifts for the month that we will be away. Once I got a couple of “possibles” lined up I was busy getting ready for our Guild meeting tonight.

I picked Margaret up early for our shift because she had some errands she wanted to do. The shift today was busy, but there were more equipment pickups than returns. I thought Margaret would suggest coffee but her legs were bothering her so she just wanted to go home.

One of our stops today was at Dollarama and I picked up another flannel-backed tablecloth. I need more design wall space, but it will take some rearranging in my studio. I have one tablecloth over the doorframe but the space really isn’t very large. I found when I was auditioning my string quilt that there are very few places in our house with enough clear floor space for laying out anything large.

I got a bit of quilting prep done in my studio when I got home from my shift. I have the backing and batting cut out for my Sudoku quilt. I’ll have to sandwich it tomorrow on the dining room table or perhaps the island – my craft table just wasn’t bit enough. Since I was at a standstill on that project I dug out my Challenge project. The first step is quilting the background fabric so I got that sandwiched. I hope to get at some quilting over the next couple of days.

It was a busy Guild meeting tonight. There is already talk about what we should do for the Quilt Show. The tops for two of the three raffle prizes are done and were shown tonight. They’ve been working on them at the Tuesday morning sessions so I’ve had peeks at them before. There were lots of Community Quilts to show off and I’m hoping the two remaining tops that needed quilting found a home – I don’t volunteer for anything except the bindings for those quilts. That being said, I expect to do the quilting on my own donation.

I wore my jacket and was able to offer it at the Show and Tell. One of the other women who took the class did all the “telling” and I just “showed” mine. Because we are having a Trunk Show next month there won’t be a Show and Tell session. I’ll be away for the June Show and Tell so I don’t need to worry about getting these “almost done” projects finished until the year-end party in June.