Friday, February 26, 2021
I had such a mess from the last two days of mask making that I decided it was time to do some cleanup. So why (oh why) did I start cleaning in a spot that wasn’t even pulled apart all that badly?
I use batiks for one of the layers in my masks and I have a drawer and a bin where I store them. The drawer holds bigger pieces of fabric and the small bin holds strips and strings that I purchased at a yard sale several years ago. When the drawer is in place and the lid is on the bin they both look quite tidy.
Today though I chose to focus on these two batik areas. I have squared up and cut down larger pieces, I have refolded the yardages I have, and I sorted out small pieces into bags where all the pieces are the same size.
The bin of strips was quite a mess (even if the lid fit). As I started to pull them out I noticed they are of varying widths; some of them will be okay for the project I have in mind. There are enough strips in the bin though to make at least two scrappy quilts when the original project is done. I’ve done a bit of a sort; the project I have in mind uses dark and light so that is more or less the way I rolled them up.
So everything is neat and tidy again (except for the floor that is covered in bits and pieces of fabric and thread) and back in place. For one foolish minute I thought I could combine the two units but that didn’t work out. The rest of the sewing room is the same messy state that it was this morning.
I’ll have to start using the batik for miscellaneous projects – my tendency is not to like sewing with batiks but I’ll have to get over that.