There will be light

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

I have a great light next to my chair in the basement and I can see really well to stitch while we watch TV in the evening. I’ve struggled to find a light that works as well next to my chair in the living room.

We bought a set of lights a couple of years ago that are very pretty but there are only a couple of them that provide much useful light. One is in the studio on Texada and the other one hangs over the stairwell and lights the stairs as we go up and down.

We’ve used one of the other lights next to my chair but the light from the two bulbs just doesn’t reach far enough. I feel like I’m working and/or reading in the dark or, if we switch the light to the other side of the chair, I’m working in my own shadow.

A couple of weeks ago when the days really seemed to be dark in the afternoon I said enough is enough and I order a new light. It is the same light as we have downstairs so it should provide me with all the light I need.

The light arrived today and we have it set up. Pat had to help as my wrists just didn’t allow me to screw all the pieces together. I’ll have to take an early break from sewing tomorrow so I can test it out.