Monday, December 14, 2020
I tried to fix my knitted hat last night but I ended up ripping it all out and starting over. I’m more familiar with the pattern now and I’m hopeful there will be no mistakes.
I was anxious to try my new sewing setup and I’m pleased to say it worked great. There is a little issue with where the ironing board sits when it is set up, and the limited space to move around it, but that may be something I can work out as I move along. One advantage of the way I now have it is that I can press from either side of the board.
I’m off to the post office shortly as I have a birthday present to get in the mail. I’m still finding early in the morning is too busy and I’ve have better luck late in the day (after the mail has gone out).
I’ll be grocery shopping tomorrow morning and there are still a few recipes I want to check the ingredients on.