This quilted jacket was a two-day class put on by the Guild. The first day of the class was cancelled because the ferry from Texada wasn’t running and Barb couldn’t get to Powell River.
Most of day two was spent copying and sizing the pattern. We made our fabric by sewing our precut squares (more than 150) together into big enough pieces that each pattern piece would be completely covered. Day two was over before I had even finished this step in the instructions.
For the next three weeks I spent two days a week finishing this. We would get the next set of instructions at the Tuesday morning bee and then I’d spend one day on the weekend getting my “homework” done so I’d be ready for the next lesson.
When my jacket was finished to the point where I could try it on I didn’t like it! The jacket has bound seams on the inside so, in a sense, it was reversible. I decided I liked the reverse side better so I took apart all the seams and put it back together so the bound seams were on the inside.
Adding the cuffs, pocket and binding was a two-day project in itself.