Busy, busy, busy

Monday, March 9, 2020

I must have been behind before setting out for my weekend of sewing; how else can I explain how far behind I am today? There is Hall work, Guild work, Hospice work and we have two shows coming up next week that I need to prepare beds for.

I got a little bit of work done this morning but I still have 14 items on my “To Do” list – most of which have been sitting in that list for a week. I had to get a package out in the mail today so, since I was going out anyway, I made an appointment to have my hair cut. I’ve been looking and looking for somewhere that would accept donated hair but the only places I could find were for kids wigs and they certainly didn’t want my grey strands.

I checked the mail at the Hall even though it wasn’t my usual day because someone told me they would have their paperwork in by 9 AM. Apparently that didn’t happen because I was there at 2 PM and there was nothing for me. I hate when that happens. I have a deposit that I’ll get ready for tomorrow and I may or may not return to the Hall after sewing tomorrow to see if the money has appeared. There were a couple of motions for the Hall that needed to go out via e-mail. I see I have some responses so I’ll see what has been agreed to.

I’ll keep working through my list for the rest of the afternoon. First up will be to find something to work on at the bee tomorrow.