Wednesday, February 5, 2020
I had a bit of work to do at my desk this morning and when I was finished I headed out to run the errands I didn’t do yesterday. I don’t remember the last time I had my car out (probably a week ago yesterday); it complained when I started it so as I popped into various stores I kept it running to charge up the battery.
The big snowfall warning didn’t actually materialize into anything – nothing at the house but there was a bit more in the Cranberry area. The parking lot at the Hall was a bit messy when I stopped there. It was senior’s day at the Cranberry grocery store and I got most of my groceries there. They don’t stock all the brands I like so I’ll have to do another shop later this week or on the weekend.
I was able to start on my Seminole project this afternoon. Now I remember why I quit in the first place. The patterns are black and white, the instructions are terrible and, at least today, I’m more or less winging it. Some of the issues may be my own inexperience but I really think the patterns aren’t well done.
I’m one ball of yarn in on a new shawl so I’ll pick that up again tonight. I found three new series (or new episodes) to watch on Netflix so I’m set for awhile.