
Saturday, January 11, 2020

After two forecasts of snow overnight we have still managed to avoid anything on the ground. However the next “winter weather warning” for us is unseasonably cold temperatures. They’re saying it might get down to -10. With that in mind I thought there was probably something I had to do to keep the outdoor taps and hoses from freezing and breaking. I checked with Pat and he told me where the shut-offs were. I was able to get one of them turned off but my arm wasn’t long enough to reach the second one.

When I called Pat and told him the problem he said we could probably just leave it and hope for the best. But my northern experience kicked in and I said I’d turn on the water in that tap and the water running through the hose should keep the tap from freezing. We’ll see.

I finished the curtains before lunch. I think they are even in length. If not, I’m going to blame Rick for hanging the rod crooked! I had a nice FaceTime visit with Taylor this morning. I saw on my computer that I had missed two calls from her. When I called her back she said she had called by accident; I told her I welcomed accidental calls.

I’ve spent some time on and off this afternoon working on cross stitch. I’ve had a few phone calls regarding the Guild and the Hall that needed to be attended to. I’ll go back and do a bit more now and then knit for the evening.