Friday, December 13, 2019
I finally got around to cleaning this morning – I couldn’t find a good enough excuse not to! I’m not saying you could eat off my floors, but I think you’d be okay following the five-second rule.
After the cleaning was finished I dug out a few Christmas decorations. I’ll add more tomorrow but they are stored in the closet and the closet is full of books, yarn (to give away) and other assorted items headed for the Economy Shop. Not that they’ll be gone tomorrow but I felt I had done enough for the day.
I cleared another surface in my sewing room (the ironing board) and I can actually see clear space on the floor. Last evening I finished sorting through my Christmas fabrics and cutting down scraps so that bin got put away this morning. I had a bunch of bubble wrap on the floor for packing and I put it away. I had a pillowcase full of fabric scraps so I closed it up into a pillow; I’ll drop it off at the SPCA on Tuesday when I come home from sewing.
I’ll spend the rest of the afternoon doing some cross stitching and I may be able to finish those scarves tonight. I have some incentive as the bin of yarn I found in the closet wasn’t all 100% wool (which I don’t use); there are some nice skeins in there that I can use to make some more scarves.