Wednesday, December 4, 2019
I would have liked to have stayed at home all day but that didn’t work out. I got the Hall minutes out this morning and then moved on to making tickets for an upcoming show. I had to drop them off at the newspaper office (they sell for us) and I had a cheque I needed to get in the mail. I was wanting to get to the 12 Days packages but I needed some wrapping paper so I was off next to the dollar store.
Once I was home I started the documentation for the 12 Days packages. The games are the same for everyone but there are some personal touches this year.
I got one set wrapped and into a box and decided that I had enough room to include the actual Christmas gifts in the same box. So I have one entire family’s Christmas wrapped and ready for the mail tomorrow. If I’m up really, really early tomorrow morning maybe I can get another one done.
We’re off to the movies tonight.