I’m not alone

Monday, July 1, 2019

I spent most of the weekend in my Texada studio and I loved every minute of it. I quilted two small quilts, made a card, and started a new project.

I thought I would post a few photos of my new space.

This is where I sew. It looks pretty stark but maybe that is why I get so much done as there are no distractions. The design wall looked big at home but it is too tiny in the new space. I’ll be looking at getting some foam insulation panels to cover one of the walls.

This is the other end of the room. We hung my Farmer’s Wife Sampler on the wall. In fact we hung it three times. First time it was too long so we had to hang it sideways; second time the flower basket blocks were upside down; third time it was staying up no matter what! I sat in my chair and did some embroidery and except for needing a light by my chair it works perfectly.

This is what you see when you come into the workshop. So far this side isn’t being used much. I sandwich on this side and, when necessary, I have my ironing board and iron ready to go. The table on the far end will move to the other side on another trip.

The boom at the far end, and the shop vac, are used for scaring away critters that seem to be living in the attic. The first weekend I sewed here I heard nothing but this weekend there were several times when I heard scrambling above me. A few knocks on the ceiling didn’t seem to scare anything in particular off but I feel better knowing I might be able to keep them away. We’ll be looking for another ultra-sonic rodent deterrent at Costco this week to put up there.