Getting back to it

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

It feels like I’m back in the swing of things since my vacation. I’m not caught up yet, but I’m back to my regular comings and goings. I spent all day yesterday at my computer; I got through my e-mail messages; I shortened my Reminder list from 30+ to a more manageable 19; I did a bit of Cranberry Hall work and I got most of the way through Pat’s GST accounting.

I was awake at 4:15 this morning and finally got out of bed at 5:15 to get an early start on the day. I finished up the Cranberry Hall work (although with a meeting next week I have some prep to do for that) and I sent Pat’s accounting off to the accountant.

Today was a bee day and it was good to catch up on the news from everyone. I missed the Guild’s AGM so I was able to congratulate the new President and Treasurer today. I’m hoping it is a trend that will continue – I finished up all the projects I took with me to work on. Well finish isn’t exactly true but I finished what I planned to do.

There were the usual errands to run after the bee. A stop at the Hall to check the mail and then a deposit to make at the bank. From there I went to Walmart to pick up some ribbon I need for a project and to the grocery store for items I need for the Watermelon Salad I’m taking to the Guild Pot Luck on Thursday.

Our fabric store is definitely closing and Deb has a big sale on so I stopped in this afternoon. I didn’t have any upcoming projects that I was desperate to find fabric for but I stocked up on threads at 30% off. I may go through some of my patterns again before she closes the door but I’m more in the mood to finish things than I am to start them.

I have a table runner and a small quilt to hand stitch the binding on tonight; I’ll be able to use a new sharp needle from one of the packages I bought today.